Our building on Eastmoor (map) will be open every Sunday evening during the second national lockdown between 6 and 9pm for private prayer.
You do not need to go to a special building to pray (Acts 17:48) but many people find the practise of leaving the house, with its noise and distraction, a way to help them think about God and speak to him.
The building will be Covid-Secure (and warm!). Please wear a mask (unless exempt) and gel your hands on arrival. Chairs will be very well spaced apart.
There will be a low limit on the number of people who are able to be in the building at any one time. We do not anticipate any need for a queue. But if you would like to guarantee a time slot we will be happy to try to book this for you.
Bibles and materials to help you meditate on the gospel of the Lord Jesus will be available. A leader from GCW will act as steward as be available for enquiries.
Even if you are not a Christian and not involved with a local church, you are still very welcome to make use of the opportunity for quiet reflection.
Any enquires email info@gracechurchwakefield.org.uk